DesiGuru's World

Its my world, my rules. I don't think anyone find it interesting to read... but if you are here already, reading this, go on, read the BLog, but I am warning you, don't expect anything interesting here...

My Time - India
My Interests
  • Internet
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  • Action Movies
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  • Cartoon - Tom and Jerry
Comics / Books
  • Phantom
  • Batman
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  • Elseworld series of DC Comics
  • Graphic Novels
  • Bahadur (Indrajaal Comics, not in production anymore)
  • Amar Chitra Katha
  • Surendra Mohan Pathak Novels
Current Assignments
Posting the first ever Novel of Phantom to this Blog!
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Watching 4400 last season, and Kyle XY first season at the moment.
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Welcome to my World
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Hi, This is DesiGuru. I work in the field of Computers & Internet. In today's world, its hard to imagine life without Internet or Computers. These are everywhere around us, in all our aspects of life! This is my first BLog, and I am not sure if I really need a Blog at all! I have verious interests, from Movies to Music to Comics to Surfing to Outing to Fun...., the list is endless. Basically, I am a happy go lucky sort of guy, who love to live life with lots of fun! But, the question is, why anyone even read my blog ? I don't know, and really, I don't expect anyone to read my Blog, expect a few of my friends, only if I pass on the link to them, and ask them to read it.

But, there is some use of this Blog, one of which I find usefull is to record all my internet related information here, links to good software etc, which I can use later on. Why so? I installed Windows XP on my PC 18 months earlier, and installed a lot of other useful softwares on it, from time to time, as and when I required them. Some of them were really good, and free. But recently, my PC Crashed and I had to install everything again! It took my two weeks to install most of the stuff I regularly used, and I am yet to install few of the utilities. The reason? I did not copy the installables with me somewhere... and I had to again search on the net for the desired software...

So, I thought if I put it here, I can check it again! So, starting my BLog!
posted by DesiGuru @ 5:00 PM  
  • At 2:20 AM, October 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    good to see u

    u r genious may i know how old r u

  • At 10:49 PM, October 15, 2006, Blogger DesiGuru said…

    well saloni, i m not sure what age has to do with it, but just to let u know, i m not an old person, and not in my teens as well.

  • At 9:52 PM, October 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thanks for such lovely phantoms.keep it up. all the best wishes from my side.only few things are missing ==in dailys- the viper god is empty & in sundays- the sinbad stone contains some other story ( terror in mawitan --a repeat). hope yu will do something . waiting for some more- specially some very early issues of indrajal phantoms with excellent cover & back pages (specially of no 4,7,8,12,14,20).

  • At 9:58 PM, October 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thanks for such good phantoms.please check that -in the dailys- "the viper god" contains nothing(its empty).and in the sundays- "the sinbad stone story" contains another story ("terror in mawitan" = a repeat)inside.

  • At 6:46 PM, July 06, 2013, Anonymous manish said…

    hello dear friend:
    hope calling you friend wont be taken in another sense.
    i was trying o find novels by surendra mohan pathak hen i landed up here.even here i can see the link on the left side under my choices but its its not a link..
    i am a big fan of the writer and as a fellow reader i request you to please rpovide me with the link to dowload or read onlne his books.

    my email----

    thank you

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Name: DesiGuru
About Me: Whatz up! I am just a small fish in this Internet. Sharing my experiences to all, which I am not sure anyone read or find interesting...
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