DesiGuru's World

Its my world, my rules. I don't think anyone find it interesting to read... but if you are here already, reading this, go on, read the BLog, but I am warning you, don't expect anything interesting here...

My Time - India
My Interests
  • Internet
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  • Astrology
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Movies / TV
  • Action Movies
  • Science Fiction
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  • Action Series
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  • Cartoon - Tom and Jerry
Comics / Books
  • Phantom
  • Batman
  • Superman
  • Elseworld series of DC Comics
  • Graphic Novels
  • Bahadur (Indrajaal Comics, not in production anymore)
  • Amar Chitra Katha
  • Surendra Mohan Pathak Novels
Current Assignments
Posting the first ever Novel of Phantom to this Blog!
Currently Watching
Watching 4400 last season, and Kyle XY first season at the moment.
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I am back... its been a while!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Did anyone miss me here? I don't think so... as I don't think anyone reading my blog... everyone writes there blog like its been read by millions of visitors from across the globe. it may be true for few blogs, which are famous, but not for all. I am sure that apart from me, no one is going to visit my blog. But as the saying goes, u need to be part of the world, keep doing what others are doing. so I decided to continue with my blog.

Now for the title, I am back, not only on my blog, but also I am back to India. After a long trip of 4+ years to Singapore, now I am back to India. I am loving it. Its been 3 months now, and I am enjoying it. There were friends and other people in office, telling me not to go back, as I won't be able to adjust in India after spending 4 years of "good" and "safe" and "easy" life. But I was clear about it, I have to adjust, there was no second thought about it in my mind. That is why I am referring it as "long trip" and not stay. I never wanted to stay there. Singapore is great place. Do visit it if u get a chance. And you may want to settle down as well in Singapore. My case is different, as I never wanted to go outside India at the first! I don't regret it, but the decision was based on job requirement and not of my choice back then. But I do enjoy my stay both at Stamford in US and Singapore. I have made some very good friends as well. Professionally also I have gained a lot knowledge. So, overall, not bad. But again, its great to be back in India.

So, u will c a lot more of me here.
posted by DesiGuru @ 4:25 PM  
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Name: DesiGuru
About Me: Whatz up! I am just a small fish in this Internet. Sharing my experiences to all, which I am not sure anyone read or find interesting...
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